Approval of 482 Visas

Birds in the Bush event

Migration Budget Review
Below is a brief review on some of the Federal Budget changes on migration law which come into force from 1 July 2023.

Vary A Home Building Contract
Michael Evans of our firm has extensive experience in building and construction litigation. He acts for homeowners and builders in disputes over contract variations. Contact us today on (02) 6362 1866 to arrange a conference with him

Shared Equity Home Buyer Helper Scheme
The NSW Government Shared Equity Home Buyer Helper Scheme has commenced assessing applications. It allows eligible individuals to purchase a home with as little as 2% deposit.

Christmas Closure 2022
Over the Christmas break our office will be closed from the 23rd of December and will reopen on the 11th of January.

5 years ago today, the Marriage Amendment Act 2017 changed the definition of marriage from ‘a man and a woman’ to ‘two people’. Australians can marry regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status.

Visa Refused? You still have options!
Previously, if you had a visa refused section 48 of the Migration Act prevented you from applying for almost all other visas whilst still in Australia for 3 years.